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String Measurement Estimations

String Measurement Estimations

Learning Goals: Making Predications, Measurement, Math Skills, Estimations

  • Note: As this activity could be challenging for students, it is recommended that you use yarn as a non-standard measurement tool on a prior day to introducing this activity. 


    • This activity can be done as a whole group or with small groups of students. Start by giving each student a piece of yarn - (Yarn should be cut to various lengths). 
    • Have your students look down at their yarn and study it.
      • Ask guiding questions such as: How long is it? Is it longer than your thumb? Is it longer than your whole hand? Is it longer than the person's beside you? etc.  
    • Hold up an example piece of yarn that you have cut for yourself and show them an item that your yarn is the same length as. 
    • Invite students to close their eyes and try to picture an item in the classroom that could be the same length as their yarn. 
    • Ask them to open their eyes and go collect the item they were thinking of and bring it back to their spot. 
    • Have students measure with their yarn to see how close their estimations were! Encourage them to use measurement words to decribe the difference between the length of their yarn and their estimated item. 
    • After having a discussion, offer them the chance to now go choose a new item using the information they have gained from their first estimation. 
    • Following the activity, place all yarn of various sizes out in the classroom for free play and exploration. Observe how your students use the yarn during the play as a measurement tool and encourage them to make measurement comparisons.  

We are the Play Learning Lab, run by Dr. Angela Pyle at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto.

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Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study

45 Walmer Road, Room 320
Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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